Curiosity Over Pride (FYI: To comment, send an e-mail to

Friday, April 16, 2010

Jerk Scientists!

And their stupid, stupid data!


Dr John said...

Really as nice as it was to have a paper in Skeptic I would have much rather had one in the Onion. My friend ran a webpage called Asslete for a year.I wrote half the satire. God I wanted it to be in the Onion.I remember discovering it in print at Boarders years ago. I would be laughing like an insane person as I read it in the isle. I listened to a report today on the Onion how Stouffers was putting suicide prevention tips on the backs of their packages and almost spit out my spleen. I have lots of Onion stuff including a T-shirt of Che Guevara wearing a Che Guevara T-Shirt. How droll.

Asslete was as in poor taste as The Onion.

Dink said...

"Asslete was as in poor taste as The Onion."

I took a look! We're you Hugh G. Rection? Awesome!

"almost spit out my spleen. I have lots of Onion stuff including a T-shirt of Che Guevara wearing a Che Guevara T-Shirt

There is some serious spleen-spitting material ;) I haven't had the guts to by the "I've gotten pretty good at masturbation" t-shirt or the "Who Are You To Judge Me?" beer pilsners. Man, sometimes its the one-liners such as "Kitten Thinks Of Nothing But Murder All Day". SNORT!!

I'm a big Daily Show/Colbert fan too. Thai and I have been known to exchange Big Lebowski quotes.

And I feel South Park is underrated. They just aired their 200th episode where they show the prophet Muhammad; 1st as a stick figure drawing on a piece of paper and next in a Bear mascot outfit so you couldn't see eyes or skin. Courage ;)

And don't give up on writing for The Onion. Comparing the DSM to the Malleus Malifacarum was straight-up genius in my book.

Dr John said...

Hugh G Rection was indeed my pen name. I do have a "I Wish I Were Dead" mug at work which people think is quit odd for a psychiatrist. God their gag gifts like the USB Toaster are brilliant.I love the man on the street opinions. Same pictures just new names and jobs....I loved South Park. The movie was a bit much and turned me off for the show a bit but it is still great. Lord I have to catch that Muhammad episode. That is amazingly courageous.I wish I knew someone at the Onion to submit some writing to.

I am glad to hear Thai is doing things other than physics and thinking way above me.aha hah.

Debra said...

I wonder what Nasa says about.. Boltzmann brains ??...
And the Onion ?
It sounds pretty funny, nonetheless.

Dink said...

"I do have a "I Wish I Were Dead" mug at work"

OMFG! That, sir, is dedication to the art of satire.

"Lord I have to catch that Muhammad episode. That is amazingly courageous"

There's a weird history here. They actually had Muhammad in an episode called "Super Best Friends" before that whole thing in Denmark. M was treated very well, especially considering that they had Buddha snorting coke. After the Denmark thing they wanted to show M in another innocuous scene and Comedy Central censored it; even though Comedy Central still reran the Super Best Friends episode frequently. The 200th episode was sort of a remembrance of things that got them in trouble or nearly sued in all the previous episodes. The episode where Cartman travels 500 yrs into the future to find the world ruled by atheist sea otters was brilliant. Brilliant, I say!

"I wish I knew someone at the Onion to submit some writing to"

I found this. It was comforting to hear that the articles are a collaborative process with many failed ideas instead of them popping perfect out of someone's head.

" am glad to hear Thai is doing things other than physics and thinking way above me"

Oh no, Thai works on many levels not just the abstract. I'm very jealous that he went to Burning Man (most of my friends are hippy-phobes). Deb once mentioned that she occasionally gets together with other Freudian psychoanalysts to discuss the Old Testament; Thai replied that he'd rather stick his hand in a blender. SNORT ;)

Debra said...

I don't get together with psychoanalysts any more to discuss the Old Testament...
But Genesis could stand in for a structural linguistics course on its own. :-)

Dr John said...

I know this is an off topic post but I just re-read a wonderful article in an older Skeptic on the Mesopotamian roots of the Old Testament.You are right Debra. Fascinating.

Thai said...

I didn't know there was such a thing as on topic at the saloon?

Debra said...

LOL, Thai.
Tiago lightly chewed me out in the jungle for my stream of consciousness prose.
BUT... there IS method in my madness, you guys.
It is just not.. immediately apparent.
Maybe my method is.. FRACTAL ??

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