I hope that you guys have enough anecdotal culture to realize that this quote from "Romeo and Juliet" does NOT translate into modern English as "WHERE are you Romeo ?", but as... "WHY are you Romeo ?"
Something to throw out at the cocktail parties you DON'T have the time to go to, right ?
Last week, in the course of my peregrinations, I met a miniature Doberman named "Romeo". He was initially very very hostile to me, growling suspiciously as I extended my hand for him to sniff (he smelled another dog on me, and a dog he doesn't like, to boot).
But... after about five minutes of my patient, winning seduction, Romeo was all over me. We just couldn't get enough of each other. We were madly in love with each other. He was a provocative little snippet too, just like me.
And I said to his "owner", "I bet he's a little Leo", and SURE ENOUGH, you wouldn't believe it, Romeo was another sun sign.
It was an amazing encounter. I hope I get to see the little guy again...
This little chance encounter got me to thinking about... SEX in our culture.
What a really wishy washy culture we are. You know, like the ABSOLUTE WORST we can imagine in terms of perversion these days is... pedophilia, which when you get down to it, is really rather mild as sexual perversions go. (Yeah, remember that I'm a medical examiner's daughter. Daddy used to come home with those stories about people suffocating at climax due to the plastic bags they stuck over their heads...)
Do we really think that... BESTIALITY no longer exists ? Or... what about necrophilia ?
Have they magically disappeared because WE don't think about them any more ???
Remember Pasiphaë and the bull that she "enjoyed" ?
We are really a prissy culture. Not too much sexual imagination.
(Romeo was a little... small for me by the way...)
Re: "Daddy used to come home with those stories about people suffocating at climax due to the plastic bags they stuck over their heads...)"
Usually these people die before 911 is even called and so where the ambulance arrives they are pronounced at the scene. But occasionally we will get them as hanging victims in various states of cardiac or respiratory arrest.
It is obviously just my view but sexual "perversion" gets much worse than this imo. These cases are mostly harming one's self (though family members are obviously deeply emotionally affected).
There are other people with different perversions who harm others- an entirely different form of sexuality all together (again imo). Of course child molesters fall in this category.
This thread reminds me that you have said little or nothing really on your son, care to comment.
There is an element of initiation in pedophile a la the ancient greeks. It could take some of the oprobium off of pedophilia but this would require a whole different culture and attitude which we obviously can't wish in to existence. In our culture to cross that line is usually quite damaging to the child and criminally impossible to distinguish from the vicious predators.
One place I become uncomfortable is TV shows using organized entrapment of people who otherwise might have avoided temptation. Especially as they really get excited and vicious about "catching" these people. It is mostly sad
Best to all
"One place I become uncomfortable is TV shows using organized entrapment of people who otherwise might have avoided temptation. Especially as they really get excited and vicious about "catching" these people. It is mostly sad"
Very well said
Virgos are dreamy as you probably know, not very realistic, but very well organized. As a true Virgo I can't help but recall that you are variously unattached, have a husband (mostly this latter we find out), a daughter, maybe a son? are alternatively a Protestant Pastor's daughter, a Jewess, a medical forensic Doctors daughter, have been crazy, are currently well balanced (mostly through observation) and whatever.
Care to sort any of this out? I'd be most interested in the recent (for me) revelation of a son. It's not necessary to be consistent but just asking.
The amount of harm that occurs to INDIVIDUALS is extremely dependant on the weight, and the importance that the SOCIAL body attaches to ITS perception of the phenomenon...
There are no absolutes in this domain either.
For you, SS, since one good turn deserves another, a glimpse into the world of the couturier whose expo I saw yesterday in Lyon.
Rinse your eyes, as we say here...
The French are different
(the last lign of the show:
mais tojours avec le couturier poete le magie demeure;
but as always wit the designer-poet the magic persists
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