You would spend all your free time talking about health care if I let you...
Just for fun, you should head over to the Nation and check out a tribute to Wallace Stevens (American poet) by James Lovenloch (I think that's his name...)
It is really fascinating confronting poetry itself with... the glose on poetry.
It's like straddling two boats : having one foot in one, and the other in the other.
I am becoming increasingly allergic to glose in all forms it may take, because you can read/hear it... on poetry, on art, on music, on the cinema, you name it, it hangs on art like Ophelia's water logged garments, dragging it down, leaden, dull, bombastic, where the original is sparing, and austere, to use Lovenloch's term.
Haven't you noticed how our species is ... homo explanatus, or homo linguas ?
We are chattering, chattering all the time.
We have machines that chatter at us without the need for voices coming out of bodies.
The cacaphony is terrible.
A non sequitur, but I have dug out my writing books, along the lines of "the Elements of Style" by Strunk. It is an excellent work, but I no longer need it. YOU, though, might enjoy, and profit from it...
I feel that we finally write well when we have managed to find our own, idiosyncratic, particular voice.
(Possibly) everybody can do it.
(AND.... if you MUST chatter on about health care in a monomaniac fashion, let's create individual posts to chat about health care, and not lazily stick our comments down on unrelated topics...)
Now, excuse me while I get back to my piano. ;-)
Hugs and kisses from this side of the Atlantic
@ idiosyncratic voice
"like Ophelia's water logged garments, dragging it down, leaden, dull, bombastic, where the original is sparing, and austere,"
indeed -
is that healthy, one could get hoarse.
SS :
(How's that for overkill ? You guys know by now that I tend to be a little... melodramatic by nature...)
Thai : snuggle snuggle.
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